
I have decided that I seriously need to get a move on with my portfolio. Using assignments from school is all well and good but that’s not what future employers want to see. I need to create and develop examples based off of what I’ve learned each semester. I recently created several JavaScript examples and they were fully functional until somehow I messed up with syncing them to the server and now each of those files are blank on my local and remote server 😦  Oh well, I’ll just make them better this time around.

Side note: I feel a resurgence of the kind of creativity that I had when I was younger and in school. I think being in college majoring in what I’m passionate about has revived my artsy side. Lately, I’ve felt like building things, painting, drawing, designing, learning, and just plain letting my ideas run wild. I want to start playing the piano again too. I used to play my grandparents organ all the time and I was good at it. I also dabbled in the cello which I enjoyed a lot too. Even though my grandparents have said that the organ is mine if I want it, I certainly don’t have room for a large organ haha. So, I have resolved to getting a keyboard, they have come a long way over the years and are very space conscious.

I am going to go eat chocolate teddy grahams and drink some almond milk 🙂

Side side note: try Silk Almond Milk, kicking regular milk to the curb has been one of my favorite food decisions! I get the original version not vanilla. It’s so yummy and makes recipes taste better too.

Night dweller

I wouldn’t quite call it insomnia… I think I’m just nocturnal and sometimes I  just can’t fight it. This has plagued me my whole life. I love the night, something about it is just so inspiring. The quietness and stillness seems to make everything so clear. I try to sleep at night and most of the time I do, even though I wake up every 2 hours. Then there are times that I can’t sleep at all at night for weeks on end… this happens to be one of those times. For two weeks now I cannot seem to sleep. I can’t help but have a love/hate feeling about it though. My best creative moments are during sleepless nights and I bet any brilliant insight or epiphany I ever had was on a sleepless night. I just wish it didn’t cause such a problem for my day life, because then all I want to do is sleep during the day… well even when I sleep at night I still want to sleep during the day. Clearly I am a different breed, a nocturnal human.

I can only hope that one day I land a web design job that is primarily work at home so I can do all my work at night.